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Testing the Kohola (freeride windsurfing fin)
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The Kohola is designed for freeride use but oriented more for speed then manoeuvers. The rake is very straight forward and the thin foil is aimed at going fast.
I finally been able to catch the right wind to test the Kohola. I got skunked the first time at one of our local spot and there was so many weeds in Hatteras that we could not put the Kohola in the water. I only had a few minutes on my 6.9 windwing as seen on the image but yesterday was way better .
Indeed, the fin was fast. I used it with a powerful freeride sail 5.8 on my freemove 103l. F2 xtc. I only had the 35 cm to test so the sail was a little small for the fin. The wind was between 18-22 knots on a nice sunny day. Exceptionnal weahter around here with 30 c ! I was able to go upwind with speed and downwind really fast. The fin was large so I never lost speed in the lulls even if my sail had no cams.
The only drawback of the fin is that it carried too much flex. It was great in chop but for straight speed it could be better. Louis is now working on it to stiffen the ride. We will run more tests with larger sails on the same fin to see how it reacts and will also put it on freewave boards and pure freeride/freerace boards to have other riders impressions.
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