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SANDBANKS 2010 - Its KAKU Time
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We decided to head for SANDBANKS this fall for the legendary Southwest wind sessions happening every fall on one of the largest lakes in the world, Lake Ontario ! The forecast was pretty good and we had two days to warm up with lighter winds and on the last day, October 28th, the conditions clicked in ! 30- 35 knots of wind and huge swells out there that could go as high as the top of our mast !
I used the 22 cm KAKU with four friends who had the same fin except with different sizes. The fin was perfect for the onshore conditions we had as we needed to go high upwind in order to surf the waves on our way back. The waves were coming on us while close to the beach so it was great for huge jumps. Check out Mattch with the green severne sail, me with the red sailworks and many others on this video made By Nicolas Chapleau.
And John came to see me to get a new KAKU 20 cm ... here is what he had to say about the fin :
"I could not believe the difference vs. the stock fin. Comparing the Makani 20cm to my stock 21cm. The base is wider on the Makani, just a few degree straighter at the base, then taper the same way to the tip. Tracks upwind much better, much smoother ride, much faster (nice glide feel to it), just as turny. The only minus would be harder to slide because much harder to spin out. And best of all it's Canadian!" John Vu
[caption id="attachment_91" align="aligncenter" width="450" caption="kaku wave fin "][/caption]
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